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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Gender Disappointment

As soon as I found out I was pregnant I downloaded the What to Expect app. I was in the November 2012 group. Around the same time we all started learning the gender of our little ones. For the first time I heard this idea of gender disappointment. I didn't really think about gender because I KNEW I was having a girl and everyone around me just KNEW it was a girl also. 

Timing was on our side and we were able to do a gender reveal cake on our wedding day. So beside our wedding cake we had our gender reveal cake that was the official grooms cake. No one officially knew the sex except for the bakery and ultrasound tech. She was nice enough to call the bakery for us so it would be a complete secret. We had to wait 2 whole days but since we knew it wasn't that bad.

Here is the picture of us right before we cut the cake. I broke down. I'm not sure why. In that moment I thought I was going to have to run out of the room due to my emotional breakdown. It was a lot of pressure having everyone stare at me.

Here is the cutting of the cake.

Can you see the shock?

It's a he!

I know it isn't the thing to do to be disappointed over the gender of your baby but I was but it was very short lived. I had spent numerous weeks dreaming about mother/daughter manicures and us baking together and her wedding day. I had to turn that all off and start dreaming of a different relationship. 

Today I dream about t-ball practice, running through mud holes, football practice, and shopping for his first suit. 

I couldn't imagine having anything but my little guy.
God knew exactly what I needed.


  1. It is so taboo to say you want a girl or want a boy. It's not like you are going to shun your baby if it is the opposite. I thinkmpeoplemare too sensitive about that. I have always wanted a daughter yet when I was pregnant I was so sure we were having a boy. I about fell off the table when the tech told us we were having a girl. I was elated and sometimes I wonder if I would have been sad if we had a boy but I honestly don't think so. Motherhood is awesome, boy or girl.

    1. You are right about it not mattering whether it is a boy or girl. When you find out you are pregnant you can't help but to dream. It's funny how you thought you were having a boy and I thought I was having a girl. I guess you get what you were meant to have.

  2. I have two boys and thought for sure that my first one was going to be a girl. I don't think I had 'disappointment' but I definitely had to take my daydreaming into a male direction instead of a female one.

    New follower from the blog hop!

    1. Thanks for following! I agree it isn't like a "disappointment" feeling but it makes you have to go in a different direction with your thoughts. I will have to say I wish I had a reason to buy a tutu.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks so much for stopping by. Being honest is not always easy but I really wanted to blog about an issue that I learned about on the forum of What to Expect. It was a very controversial subject.
